What does it take for him to believe her? When he is putting those dead wires into the hole in the range hood, and sparks start to fly, then he believes her. He said it was pay back for a black marks-a-lot mark I accidentally gave him on his face. It is pretty funny, almost like an extension of his mustache.
The joys of home improvement, and working together!
Want a good laugh? We had to remove part of the old formica back splash a little sooner than intended since the new range hood was longer. The kitchen used to be green, and had a tile back splash, you can kind of see the square marks here. See the spots of something in the middle of the squares? DOUBLE SIDE TAPE! I kid you not, some one put tiles up with double side tape. I really do like the color, can't wait until we get it all done.
Kendall drew on my wall! I found a slate medallion on-line I liked, (uber expensive) so I went to The Flooring Store (Donna is the greatest!) and she helped me design one of my own. Kendall drew it on to make sure the size was what we were looking for.
And as I am typing this, Bill is saying.....BZZTT, trying to imatate the sound of sparking wires. Very Funny! He also mentioned something about test pilots when I mentioned AGAIN why he didn't believe me!